News Update - May 2021

The past year has been intense and challenging, but we have made every effort to combat the COVID spread. As schools reopened, many students, especially from poor rural households, have not returned.  Unfortunately, vulnerable children take the brunt of the pandemic, lacking access to food, water and supplies. Although closures were a temporary shift in schooling for children from well to do families, they resulted in no learning experiences for those in our operational areas. Our team of educators are making every effort to close the COVID loss and accelerate learning for all. As for the turmoil in the Tigray region, the floods, and the desert locust invasion in Ethiopia, we have not been affected, as our operations are all confined to the Amhara region. 

Bezawit primary school

Bezawit primary school

Our team continues to expertly navigate the day to day changing circumstances. With the tireless dedication of the communities and the support of various universities, governments, NGOs and other donors, we currently have three new schools under construction, to be opened in 2021. The schools’ fruit and vegetable gardens have become enormously successful, with fruits and vegetables producing income to several schools as well as providing students with a different form of experiential learning. Parents are becoming involved in their childrens’ education, and our special needs programs have opened up opportunities to many who would not otherwise have even attended school. Teachers are embracing our learner centred pedagogy and our schools have done very well in terms of both behaviour and achievement in regional assessments.  

Sebatamit kids gardening

Sebatamit kids gardening

We are very proud that our schools and children are proving to be agents of change as community members adopt various aspects of our programs. Our teacher training workshops have expanded to include principals and supervisors so that our model will endure beyond the presence of Partners in Education Ethiopia. 

We continue to expand and apply innovative new programs, while serving as leaders and looking ahead at what comes next. Watching the COVID virus spread throughout the world reinforces the necessity of our work beyond infrastructure, to enhance health, water, hygiene and sanitation programs, as well as to provide remote and hybrid learning opportunities.  With your support, we have been able to start bringing these programs and opportunities to our schools.  

Please see the projects page for more detailed information and update on various projects.